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The Positive and Negative Impacts of AI on Cybersecurity

AI is becoming increasingly relevant in today’s technological landscape, and that includes cybersecurity. On the one hand, it gives cybercriminals another tool to attack networks and steal information. On the other hand, it’s used to create more efficient security protocols. Whichever way you look at it, the impact of AI is bringing significant changes to cybersecurity.

Continue reading to learn more about the impacts of AI on cybersecurity and how you can use it to get ahead of your competition.

The Advantages of AI in Cybersecurity

AI systems can provide incredible benefits by automating many of the cybersecurity tasks that would otherwise require untold resources and hours of labor. Here are some of the most positive impacts of AI on cybersecurity that users may experience.

Network Security Monitoring

One of the many benefits of AI in cybersecurity is the implementation of network monitoring. While humans are perfectly capable of monitoring a network, they cannot do so 24/7. They also make mistakes, and their efforts could be better used elsewhere. Using an AI system to monitor your network security allows for automated tracking on a greater scale.

Advanced Threat Detection

AI cybersecurity uses machine learning to develop pattern recognition and quickly discover network anomalies in real time. A system that can detect and resolve cyber threats as they’re happening protects businesses from having their sensitive information stolen and used against them. Through continuous learning, AI systems have an edge over human cybercriminals who can’t keep up with the program’s detection rates.

Predictive Analysis

Using historical and current data, AI-driven cybersecurity can accurately predict risks and threats before they emerge, giving you an added layer of protection. Typically, making accurate predictions is incredibly difficult due to the massive amounts of data that must be analyzed, but AI technology can do so at an accelerated rate.

Improved Risk Assessment

AI can assist businesses in minimizing their risks by conducting an in-depth assessment of their network security and analyzing large data pools. After gaining an understanding of the systems, AI can pinpoint weak spots and work to improve overall protection.

Cybersecurity risk assessments detect flaws in your network security that can be reinforced to better defend your data. Discover additional reasons why a risk assessment might be in your best interest.

Why You Need a Cybersecurity Risk Assessment

The Challenges of AI in Cybersecurity

While the impacts of AI can benefit cybersecurity, it also has a handful of challenges to overcome, some of which make it harder for businesses to protect their assets. Here are some of the biggest challenges facing AI cybersecurity.

AI Infancy

One of the main drawbacks of using AI is that it’s still in its earliest stages of development. AI has come a long way since its inception and implementation, especially over the previous year. However, there’s still a lot of ground to cover. Consider smartphones: they have come a long way from the flip phones of the late 90s and have made leaps and bounds over the rotary phones of the 1960s. Phones are likely to advance even further, but we won’t know to what extent until that day comes.

AI development is no different. What it looks like today may seem ancient compared to what it can achieve in five, ten, or fifty years. However, this means that the current state of AI-driven technology isn’t perfect and should be used cautiously to avoid setbacks. Hiring an AI expert to monitor automated tasks is best.

Advanced Cyberattacks

Just as companies can use AI systems to improve and automate tasks, cybercriminals use AI to create new forms of advanced cyberattacks. Malware and other forms of cyberattacks can be integrated with AI algorithms to find ways of navigating, tricking, or penetrating network defenses. The impact of AI on cyberattacks is especially concerning because it can adapt to countermeasures deployed to prevent data breaches, including voice and facial recognition methods. Combining human and AI cybersecurity measures is the best solution to combating complex cyber threats.

Resource Costs

While AI's technological innovations are undoubtedly helpful, they don’t come cheap. Investing in AI requires many resources, including the cost, time, and expertise to build, install, and maintain systems. Because the current state of AI isn’t perfect, the cost of implementation may not be worth the results, especially for smaller companies that don’t have an abundance of disposable resources.

One must also consider the resources spent training AI systems to learn intricate data sets. Due to the massive amounts of data that programs must work through, the process can take considerable time to comprehend information effectively. Even after an AI system has become self-sufficient, it still requires regular monitoring, updates, and maintenance to produce the desired results.

Prepare for the Future With Onward Technology

If you need a cybersecurity service provider that can evolve alongside artificial intelligence, Onward Technology is your best bet.

At Onward Technology, our team is dedicated to providing cybersecurity solutions no matter what our industry brings. As the impact of AI continues to change cybersecurity with technological innovations and advanced threats, we’ll keep you one step ahead of the competition. Our team closely monitors, tests, and develops solutions for emerging AI systems, then implements them into our security practices. By integrating AI and assessing new threats as they surface, we can create efficient security models that protect business networks from AI-powered cyberattacks.

Regardless of how advanced AI technology development becomes, we succeed because of the people behind the screen. Contact us today to secure your network and prepare your company for the future.

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