Wi-Fi Location Analytics
Onward Technology

Wi-Fi Location Analytics



Wi-Fi location analytics help organizations gain deeper insights into customer behavior and drive better marketing strategy.

Track customers, employees, and assets using Wi-Fi

If your organization has a physical presence with customer interactions, Onward-designed Wi-Fi solutions can help you transform the way you develop your marketing strategies. Collect customer information when they join your guest network, track how frequently they return, and push marketing content based on pre-configured workflows (e.g. send a coupon to the customer when their device is detected on-premise for the second time). Analyze foot traffic and dwell time, see what paths customers take through your business, and adapt your physical layout to optimize target customer behavior. Ask us how we can use Wi-Fi analytics to benefit your business today!

At Onward Technology, we understand that the end goal of technology is furthering your business growth and success, not deploying more technology for technology's own sake. We are dedicated to finding solutions to help with your specific business needs and goals.

Wi-Fi Driven Data Collection

The more you know about your customers and how they interact with your business, the better. Using unique device identifiers and geofencing zones of interest in your location, we're able to capture several different quality metrics:
Foot traffic

Foot traffic:

How many people enter and exit a defined zone in a period of time.

Overall customer counts

Overall customer counts:

How many unique customers visit a zone each day, hour, or minute.

Dwell time

Dwell time:

How long people stay within a zone on average.

Footfall traffic patterns

Footfall traffic patterns:

The flow of traffic through a zone, where people start, where they end, and what they're likely interested in.

Repeat customer percentage

Repeat customer percentage:

How many customers are visiting your location for the first time, third time, or twentieth time.

Customer Reach-Out

Our Wi-Fi platform allows you to use the same technology to proactively engage with clients. For instance, you can use collected data and Wi-Fi location services to text a coupon to repeat customers who visit your business for the third time. 

At Onward Technology, we strive to use technology to help you achieve your business goals. For more on any of our Wi-Fi location analytics or other services, contact us today.


© Onward Technology 2023. 
