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Cyber Security Training for Employees: What You Need to Know

Network security prevents businesses from having their data stolen, but tight security measures are only as effective as the employees that access company data. Unaware staff members are less likely to detect and prevent cyber attacks that can harm work operations and impact your bottom line. However, conducting proper cyber security training for your employees can keep your network secure and protect your company from emerging cyber threats.

Continue reading to learn more about cyber security training for employees, including the following:

  • What is cyber security training for employees?
  • Why is cyber security training for employees crucial?
  • Cyber security tips for employees
  • How cyber security consulting services can help
  • How Onward Technology can secure your data

What Is Cyber Security Training for Employees?

Cyber security training for employees is a way of raising their digital security knowledge and awareness to minimize the risk of a successful data breach. Training programs are created with the intent of helping employees understand what cyber attacks look like, how to detect them, how to respond to them, what can be done to prevent them, what actions pose security risks, and how to navigate operating systems safely. Cyber security training for employees is typically conducted via internal IT members, online courses, and occasionally by professional IT consulting services.

Why Implementing Cyber Security Training for Your Employees Is Crucial

Having employees that are well-versed in cyber security is essential for protecting your company information. Most data breaches are caused by human error and could be prevented with proper training. By having a team that is ill-prepared to deal with emerging threats, you’re putting your data, productivity, finances, and reputation on the line.

On the other hand, investing in employee training provides numerous benefits for your business, including more robust network security, reduced downtime caused by data breaches and recovery periods, and an increased bottom line as a result of remaining productive.

Cyber security training can help employees detect and resolve various forms of cyber attacks. Learn more about common types of cyber attacks and how to avoid them.

Types of Cyber Security Attacks

5 Cyber Security Tips for Employees

Training your employees on the importance of cyber security doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time and recurring sessions to fully develop a grasp of digital security awareness, but by instilling these data security tips in employees, they can better protect themselves and the company.

Create Strong Passwords

Weak passwords are one of the leading causes of data breaches, and with common passwords like “Password,” it’s not hard to imagine why. Poorly created passwords leave users and networks vulnerable to potential hacks that could grant attackers massive amounts of sensitive information. Encourage your employees to develop strong passwords that contain at least eight characters, use both upper and lower case letters, have at least one number, and another special character. If employees are expected to remember multiple passwords for various systems, consider using a password manager to make the process easier.

Utilize Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Multi-factor authentication takes password protection one step further by combining two or more forms of credentials that users must present to gain access to a system. Forms of authentication can include a password, biometric scans like fingerprints, PINs, a token or badge, and more. MFA provides layered security and grants employees maximum protection for their personal information.

Use Secure Wi-Fi

With more employees working out of the office at venues like hotels or coffee shops than ever before, there are more opportunities for attackers to access company data via compromised Wi-Fi. Malware and other digital threats can transfer to devices on the same network, which is why using public Wi-Fi can be dangerous. However, this can be avoided by insisting that employees only work from secure Wi-Fi or conduct work using a virtual private network (VPN).

Lock Devices

Strong passwords and multi-factor authentication are effective ways for employees to protect their information, but it only helps if they remember to lock their devices. Leaving devices unattended while programs are open and accessible is irresponsible, as it allows anyone to steal your data. Stress to employees the importance of manually locking their devices anytime they aren’t using them, whether that means picking up their order at a coffee shop or going to the restroom at the office.

Implement Phishing Tests

Phishing tests are an effective way to show your employees what potential threats could look like and whether or not they would fall victim to them. You can construct phishing tests for your specific business model and choose which employees to send them to via email. By sending out controlled phishing attacks, your employees are more likely to detect similar scams moving forward.

Security Training and Threat Awareness Services

When internal security awareness training and safety tips don’t seem to minimize the number of data breaches you experience, it’s time to utilize security consulting services. Security consultants can help create unique security procedures that are instructive and easy to implement for your business. Every security plan recommended via a consultation aims to accomplish a particular goal for your company and is carefully tailored toward your internal IT operations. Their services can help improve your organization's ability to detect early signs of a cyber attack, how to respond to cyber attacks appropriately, and ways to minimize the risk of threats.

If professional cyber security training for your employees still isn’t enough, consider hiring a managed IT service to protect your network for you. By handing your network security off to a professional, your data is guaranteed to remain under tight wraps while allowing your in-house IT team to focus their attention elsewhere. Thankfully, we happen to know the perfect provider.

Protect Your Sensitive Data With Onward Technology

As a reliable and established IT solutions provider based in Utah, Onward Technology has the expertise to tighten your network security. At Onward, we not only use the most efficient methods and technology to help your business succeed in today’s competitive virtual landscape, but we help you do so safely. We know how essential your company data is, which is why we’ve curated a host of IT solution strategies to accommodate your specific requirements.

Our team offers a variety of security and IT services, including:

If you’re ready to take the next step to secure your company data, contact us today—we’ll handle the hard stuff and work with you closely through every phase of the process.

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